Audit your website security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner
As many as 70% of web sites have vulnerabilities that
could lead to the theft of sensitive corporate data such as
credit card information and customer lists.
Hackers are concentrating their efforts on
web-based applications - shopping carts, forms,
login pages, dynamic content, etc. Accessible 24/7
from anywhere in the world, insecure web
applications provide easy access to backend
corporate databases.
Firewalls, SSL and locked-down servers
are futile against web application hacking!
Web application attacks, launched on port 80/443,
go straight through the firewall, past operating
system and network level security, and right in to
the heart of your application and corporate data.
Tailor-made web applications are often
insufficiently tested, have undiscovered
vulnerabilities and are therefore easy prey for
Find out if your web site is secure before hackers download sensitive data, commit a crime using your
web site as a launch pad, and endanger your business. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner crawls
your web site, automatically analyzes your web applications and finds perilous SQL injection, Cross site
scripting and other vulnerabilities that expose your on line business. Concise reports identify where
web applications need to be fixed, thus enabling you to protect your business from impending hacker
Acunetix - a world-wide leader in web
application security
Acunetix has pioneered the web application
security scanning technology: Its engineers have
focused on web security as early as 1997 and
developed an engineering lead in web site analysis
and vulnerability detection.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner
includes many innovative features:
- AcuSensor Technology
- An automatic client script analyzer allowing for security testing of Ajax and Web 2.0 applications
- Industries' most advanced and in-depth SQL injection and Cross site scripting testing
- Advanced penetration testing tools, such as the HTTP Editor and the HTTP Fuzzer
- Visual macro recorder makes testing web forms and password protected areas easy
- Support for pages with CAPTHCA, single sign-on and Two Factor authentication mechanisms
- Extensive reporting facilities including VISA PCI compliance reports
- Multi-threaded and lightning fast scanner crawls hundreds of thousands of pages with ease
- Intelligent crawler detects web server type and application language
- Acunetix crawls and analyzes websites including flash content, SOAP and AJAX
- Port scans a web server and runs security checks against network services running on the server
Audit your web site security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner:
If web applications are not secure, then your
entire database of sensitive information is at
serious risk. Why?
- Websites and related web applications must be available 24 x 7 to provide the required service to customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders;
- Firewalls and SSL provide no protection against web application hacking, simply because access to the website has to be made public
- Web applications often have direct access to backend data such as customer databases and, hence, control valuable data and are much more difficult to secure
- Custom applications are more susceptible to attack because they involve a lesser degree of testing than off-the-shelf software
- Hackers prefer gaining access to the sensitive data because of the immense pay-offs in selling the data.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) is an
automated web application security testing tool that
audits your web applications by checking for
exploitable hacking vulnerabilities. Automated scans
may be supplemented and cross-checked with the
variety of manual tools to allow for comprehensive
web site and web application penetration testing.
All Features:
In depth checking for SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Other
Vulnerabilities with the innovative AcuSensor Technology

Acunetix checks for all web vulnerabilities including SQL
injection, Cross site scripting and others. SQL injection is
a hacking technique which modifies SQL commands in order to
gain access to data in the database. Cross site scripting
attacks allow a hacker to execute a malicious script on your
visitor’s browser.
Detection of these vulnerabilities requires a
sophisticated detection engine. Paramount to web
vulnerability scanning is not the number of attacks
that a scanner can detect, but the complexity and
thoroughness with the scanner launches SQL
injection, Cross Site scripting and other attacks.
Acunetix has a state of the art vulnerability
detection engine which quickly finds vulnerabilities
with a low number of false positives. It also
locates CRLF injection, Code execution, Directory
Traversal, File inclusion, checks for
vulnerabilities in File Upload forms and much more.
Port Scanner and Network Alerts

While scanning the website, scan also the web
server for open ports and run network alert checks
against network services running on the open ports
such as DNS cache poisoning and recursion tests,
SNMP weak community strings, weak SSH ciphers and
many other network services tests. The network
alerts checks are scriptable so you can modify them
or write new ones yourself.
Advanced penetration testing tools included

In addition to its automated scanning engine,
Acunetix includes advanced tools to allow
penetration testers to fine tune web application
security checks:
- HTTP Editor - With this tool you can easily construct HTTP/HTTPS requests and analyze the web server response.
- HTTP Sniffer - Intercept, log and modify all HTTP/HTTPS traffic and reveal all data sent by a web application
- HTTP Fuzzer - Performs sophisticated testing for buffer overflows and input validation. Test thousands of input variables with the easy to use rule builder of the HTTP fuzzer. Tests that would have taken days to perform manually can now be done in minutes.
- Blind SQL Injector - Ideal for penetration testers, the Blind SQL injector is an automated database data extraction tool that is perfect for making manual tests that allow further testing for SQL injections.
- Create custom attacks or modify existing ones with the Web Vulnerability Editor
Scan AJAX and Web 2.0 technologies for vulnerabilities

The state of the art CSA (client script analyzer)
Engine allows you to comprehensively scan the latest
and most complex AJAX / Web 2.0 web applications and
find vulnerabilities.
Test password protected areas and web forms with Automatic HTML form filler

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is able to
automatically fill in web forms and authenticate
against web logins. Most web vulnerability scanners
are unable to do this or require complex scripting
to test these pages. Not so with Acunetix: Using the
macro recording tool you can record a logon or form
filling process and store the sequence. The scanner
can then replay this sequence during the scan
process and fill in web forms automatically or logon
to password protected areas.
Analyzes your site against the Google Hacking Database

The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) is a database
of queries used by hackers to identify sensitive
data on your website such as portal logon pages,
logs with network security information, and so on.
Acunetix launches the Google hacking database
queries onto the crawled content of your web site
and identifies sensitive data or exploitable targets
before a “search engine hacker” does.
AcuSensor Technology – identify more vulnerabilities with less false positives:

Allowing you to identify more vulnerabilities
than a traditional black box Web Application Scanner
and generating less false positives, Acunetix
AcuSensor Technology combines black box scanning
techniques with feedback from sensors placed inside
the source code while source code is being executed.
The advantages of AcuSensor Technology are
many. These include: faster locating and fixing of
vulnerabilities, whilst providing more information
about each vulnerability, such as source code line
number, stack trace and affected SQL query; it also
checks for web application configuration problems,
such as misconfiguration of web.config or php.ini
files; detects many more SQL injection
vulnerabilities without depending on web server
error messages; and many more.
Finding the right web application scanner; why black box scanning is not enough
Acunetix AcuSensor Technology is a new security
technology that allows you to identify more
vulnerabilities than a traditional Web Application
Scanner, whilst generating less false positives. In
addition it indicates exactly where in your code the
vulnerability is and reports also debug information.
The increased accuracy is achieved by combining
black box scanning techniques with feedback from
sensors placed inside the source code while the
source code is executed. Black box scanning does not
know how the application reacts and source code
analyzers do not understand how the application will
behave while it is being attacked. Therefore
combining these techniques together achieves more
relevant results than using source code analyzers
and black box scanning independently.
AcuSensor Technology does not require .NET source
code; it can be injected in already compiled .NET
applications! Thus there is no need to install a
compiler or obtain the web applications’ source
code, which is a big advantage when using a third
party .NET application. In case of PHP web
applications, the source is already available.
To date, Acunetix is the leading and only Web
Vulnerability Scanner to implement this technology.
Advantages of using Acunetix AcuSensor
- Allows you to locate and fix the
vulnerability faster because of the
ability to provide more information
about the vulnerability, such as
source code line number, stack
trace, affected SQL query.
- We can significantly reduce
false positives when scanning a
website because we can internally
understand better the behaviour of
the web application.
- Can alert you of web application
configuration problems which could
result in a vulnerable application
or expose internal application
details. E.g. If ‘custom errors’ are
enabled in .NET, this could expose
sensitive application details to a
malicious user.
- Detect many more SQL injection
vulnerabilities. Previously SQL
injection vulnerabilities could only
be found if database errors were
reported or via other common
- Ability to detect SQL Injection
vulnerabilities in all SQL
statements, including in SQL INSERT
statements. With a black box scanner
such SQL injections vulnerabilities
cannot be found.
- Ability to know about all the
files present and accessible though
the web server. If an attacker will
gain access to the website and
create a backdoor file in the
application directory, the file will
be found and scanned when using the
AcuSensor Technology and you will be
- AcuSensor Technology is able to
intercept all web application inputs
and builds a comprehensive list will
all possible inputs in the website
and tests them.
- No need to write URL rewrite
rules when scanning web applications
which use search engine friendly
URL’s! Using AcuSensor Technology
the scanner is able to rewrite SEO
URL’s on the fly.
- Ability to test for arbitrary
file creating and deletion
vulnerabilities. E.g. Through a
vulnerable scripta malicious user
can create a file in the web
application directory and execute it
to have privileged access, or delete
sensitive web application files.
- Ability to test for email
injection. E.g. A malicious user may
append additional information such
as a list or recipients or
additional information to the
message body to a vulnerable web
form, to spam a large number of
recipients anonymously.
How it works
When AcuSensor Technology is used,
it communicates with the web server to find out
about the web application configuration and the web
application platform (such as PHP and .NET)
configuration. Once triggered from the Acunetix WVS
scanner, the sensor gets a listing of all the files
present in the web application directory, even of
those which are not linked to through the website.
It also gathers a list of all the web application
inputs. Since it knows what kind of inputs the
application expects, it can launch a broader range
of tests against the application.

Screenshot 1 - AcuSensor Technology
functionality diagram
It has also the ability to scan all SQL
transactions taking place between the web
application and the database when the web
application is being scanned. It hooks between the
web application and the database and is able to
trace SQL injection vulnerabilities in the code
without relying on database errors like other
typical scanners do.
AcuSensor Technology vulnerability
Unlike other vulnerabilities found by typical
scans, a vulnerability reported from the AcuSensor
Technology contains much more detailed information.
As seen in the examples below, it can contain
details such as source code line number, stack
trace, affected SQL query etc. Each vulnerability
found by AcuSensor Technology, will be marked with
‘(AS)’ in the title.
Example 1: SQL Injection reported by
Acunetix AcuSensor Technology
For the reported SQL injection featured in the
screenshot below, the SQL query including the
injected content which results into an SQL injection
vulnerability is shown. The stack trace information
is also displayed, to guide the developer where
exactly the problem is.

Screenshot 2 - SQL Injection reported by
AcuSensor Technology
Example 2: Code Injection reported by
Acunetix AcuSensor Technology
For the reported PHP code injection featured in
the screenshot below, the vulnerable file name is
displayed including the line number of the code
which leads to the reported vulnerability. The
injected code is also displayed under ‘Attack

Screenshot 3 - PHP code injection reported
by AcuSensor Technology
As seen above, using the AcuSensor Technology has
many advantages. Apart from the above mentioned
advantages, information provided by the AcuSensor
Technology helps the developer trace the
vulnerability and fix it in a much shorter time. It
also helps them understand what was wrong in the
code to allow such vulnerability to happen. From
this, developers proactively learn more about
vulnerabilities and it helps them in writing more
secure code for future web applications and
increases web security awareness.
System Requirements:
- Windows XP, Vista, 2000 or
Windows 2003 server
- Internet Explorer 6 or higher
- 200 Mb of hard disk space
- 1GB of RAM
Versions Available - Small Business, Enterprise, and Consultant:
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is available in three versions: A Small Business Version for one
nominated web site, an Enterprise version to allow for scanning of an unlimited number of websites,
and a Consultant version, which allows you to use Acunetix WVS to perform penetration tests for
third parties.
Small Business Version: 1 Nominated Website
The Small Business Version is extended to those organizations owning and operating one website installed on a single server. Ideal for small businesses, this version allows you to scan 1 nominated website and cannot be used to scan sites of customers or third parties.
Enterprise Version: Unlimited Websites
The Enterprise Version is extended to those
organizations owning and operating more than one
website. Ideal for larger organizations, this
allows you to scan an unlimited number of
websites and cannot be used to scan sites of
customers or third parties.
Consultant Version: Unlimited Websites
The Consultant Version is extended to those
organizations scanning any number of websites
owned by their customers to provide them with
penetration testing and vulnerability assessment
services. Ideal for Security Consultants, Web
Development Agencies and ISPs, this version also
contains the Vulnerability Editor that allows
you to create specific types of assessment tests
and reports. The Consultant's version also
allows you to personalize your reports by adding
your own logo.